No Money, No Food!
a typographic artwork, 2010
This typographic composition expresses my taught about void. I deliberately erased several O’s from the text. With its circular shape, the letter O symbolizes a coin. The absence of the letter O in the word money represents a lack of financial stability. Without money in your pocket, you cannot buy any food. The penniless artist cannot be very creative and that is why the letters are black and simple. The lack of financial security causes the absence of inspiration.
2011: Selected for the 2nd International Exhibition Art in Miniature, Cultural Center of Majdanpek, Majdanpek, Serbia
2011: Published in the book of the 2nd International Exhibition Art in Miniature, Cultural Center of Majdanpek, Majdanpek, Serbia
2011: Published on Designed, Belgrade, Serbia (an online magazine for design)